So when his bottom side tooth started getting loose, he was pretty excited, but wary enough about pain that he didn't want Kerry to pull it. He let me try a couple times, but I'm kind of a wimp about it, so it was pretty halfhearted on my part. It finally fell out during dinner one evening, and from then until bedtime he talked nonstop about the tooth fairy coming and the money she would bring him.
Well, let's just say that the tooth fairy had a detour, and at 2am Tam came into our room all disappointed that she hadn't showed up yet. Oops. And it became apparent from what he said that he had been waking up repeatedly to check whether the tooth fairy had come, and that the trend would continue till he got his cash.
Kerry was so done with the fact that he was having a conversation with a kid at 2am that he flat out offered to buy the tooth right then, and told Tam that he would pay the same amount that the tooth fairy gives. Tam took him up on it, went to bed, and finally slept.
We kind of stink at keeping the mythical character stuff going. We are never getting an elf on the shelf.