Sunday, November 18, 2012

First Ever Blog Post

We finally did it!  After meaning to set up a blog ages ago to document our adoption goings-on, and meaning to get together with someone who could walk me through this, I procrastinated by pushing the thought from my mind by either telling myself I had too much on my adoption to-do list that needed to happen that day (valid excuse), or simply deciding to avoid it by doing something not so valid such as watching the most current episode of Once Upon a Time, or Dancing with the Stars, or...nevermind.  However, the fact that we are flying to Ethiopia in less than a week has finally motivated me to just get it done.  I hope that this blog can be a way to keep friends and family up to speed with what all is going on as we travel and then become a family of 5!


  1. Yay! Don't stress about what your blog looks like. Or how often you post. I am so excited for you guys!

  2. Less than a week! That is so exciting! Can't wait to see your new kiddos!

  3. That is exciting! I'm glad you've started a blog, it will be great to hear what you're up to, and how everything goes!
