Sunday, April 20, 2014

Potty Training...Take 67

Ok, so we're not really on round 67 of potty training, but that's what's it's felt like during the last couple of months.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really feels like we're playing the potty training version of whack-a-mole, where as soon as we get one child fairly stable in the potty department, another one starts to have a harder time for a bit.  There was even the first day where neither of our younger kids had any accidents, and the cat got sick and barfed all over the house, so I still had to do clean up.

I don't think our kids have necessarily had a harder time with potty training than is typical.  We just didn't have any experience with it, and then all of a sudden we had two kids to potty train, so it's been a learning curve (times two) for all of us.  But progress is being made, so I really can't complain.  Here are a couple photo gems documenting the experience:

Doing chores in underwear:

Ok, so not the most flattering photo of me, but yes, that is me, a kid, and poo on the shower floor.

All the kids with umbrellas that they earned.  Kate and Yeb earned them by completing potty charts, and Tam earned his by memorizing the 25 kindergarten sight words.  This is the day that all 3 of them had finally earned them, and they decided to have an umbrella parade outside.

Zoo Trip

With the weather so nice so early this year, we were able to get to the zoo in February without freezing.    The last time we went was last summer, but the kids still remembered and were excited to see the animals again (and ride the carousel.  Let's be honest, that was one of their top 3 things to do).  We ate lunch right when we got there, and then enjoyed spending a couple hours meandering through the exhibits before heading home.

Am I the only person who thinks that this picture is creepy??  Because I do.

5 Little Monkeys

Here's a preschool gem of a song sung by one of the cutest, smartest 4 year olds that I know:

Bowling in Blanding

Who knew that Blanding had a bowling alley?!  Apparently they do now, inside one of the gas stations.  That sounds really weird, but it's nice, and when we were in Blanding in February Granna and Grandad treated us to a game.  None of our kids had ever bowled before other than during primary singing time during church, so they were pretty excited.

Valentine Daddy Daughter Dance

Kate brought a flier home from preschool advertising a daddy-daughter valentines dance being held at the high school, and Kerry and I decided that Kate would have a blast.  She looked forward to it all week leading up to it, and was super excited to pick out which dress she wanted to wear and get all ready.  

By the time Kerry and Kate were ready to leave the house, she was bubbly and positively beaming.  Kerry said that the dance was packed with little girls and their dads (it was a fundraiser for the high school cheerleaders, best idea ever).  Kate is quite the dancer in general, but even Kerry was amazed at her enthusiasm.  She danced nonstop for almost 2 hours before Kerry could convince her to take a break and get a cookie and some water.  Fortunately, Kerry was in his element, and was more than happy to check any self-consciousness at the door and crazily dance the night away with Kate.  

The report I got from Kate was that "Daddy and I danced a lot, and we did the 'What Does the Fox Say', and I twirled a lot, and we ate cookies, and the music was loud, and there were lots of lights".   When they came home that evening Kate wanted to tell me all about it, and was already looking forward to next year when they can go again.