Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time for Hair

Everything in our life was affected when they boys came home 7 months ago, including the time needed for Kate's hair.  We adapted by getting some girl time in at bedtime so I could detangle and style her hair while Kerry put the boys to bed, and then as our schedule normalized a bit hair time happened in the evening after her weekly hair wash.  Styling her hair is something that I love to do, and we've gotten to the point in our family where there is space for things:  emotional space for everyone to relax just a bit, and more space in our schedule that used to be completely taken up with simply meeting basic needs.  So I've been putting a little of that time toward her hair routine, and trying out some new and more complicated styles.

I decided I wanted to try yarn twists, and Kate was all about the idea when I showed her a picture of the style that had some colored yarn.  What little girl doesn't want pink woven into their hair?

Detangling after showertime

It was pretty time intensive, partially because I was doing it for the first time, but it turned out really well.  We'll see how long we get out of this style.  I'm hoping for 3 weeks.

All Finished!  She is thrilled with it!


  1. It looks awesome Ali! I've always been impressed with how cute Kate's hair has always been. I can't believe how long it is now too! Wow. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend. It's been way too long! :)

  2. Thanks Shannon! We're excited to see all of you, too!
