Sunday, April 20, 2014

Potty Training...Take 67

Ok, so we're not really on round 67 of potty training, but that's what's it's felt like during the last couple of months.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really feels like we're playing the potty training version of whack-a-mole, where as soon as we get one child fairly stable in the potty department, another one starts to have a harder time for a bit.  There was even the first day where neither of our younger kids had any accidents, and the cat got sick and barfed all over the house, so I still had to do clean up.

I don't think our kids have necessarily had a harder time with potty training than is typical.  We just didn't have any experience with it, and then all of a sudden we had two kids to potty train, so it's been a learning curve (times two) for all of us.  But progress is being made, so I really can't complain.  Here are a couple photo gems documenting the experience:

Doing chores in underwear:

Ok, so not the most flattering photo of me, but yes, that is me, a kid, and poo on the shower floor.

All the kids with umbrellas that they earned.  Kate and Yeb earned them by completing potty charts, and Tam earned his by memorizing the 25 kindergarten sight words.  This is the day that all 3 of them had finally earned them, and they decided to have an umbrella parade outside.


  1. Makes me want to have an umbrella parade outside! Congrats!

  2. Good for you for hanging in there! Miss you guys!

  3. Ah the joys! Umbrellas are such a great reward! I'm borrowing that one!

  4. I have a friend that just adopted a sibling group through foster care. The oldest boy is 5 and pees the bed every night. They are pretty sure that he does it on purpose since some nights his pull up is dry even though the bed is wet. He had told them that he's too tired to get up. Some nights he'll wad up the sheet, pee in it and then throw it off the bed. I just wondered if you had any insight or advice. You can e-mail me at if you have any wisdom to share!
