Monday, November 10, 2014

Labor Day Huntington Family Vacation

We headed down to Huntington where Kerry's sister and her family live, and had a blast of a weekend!  They took everyone out to the reservoir just outside town, and we all got to do some tubing behind their boat.  Kerry tried waterskiing, too, with not much success.  Surprisingly, the kids all loved the tube, and Yeb couldn't get enough of it.  I think he had 4 or 5 turns, and was still going strong.  I wish we had pictures of his face!  We ate lunch at the reservoir, and then headed back to the house.

Kate played with Tay during any unscheduled time the whole weekend.  The boys tried out some kites, and we all relaxed and chatted.

After church on Sunday we got to go up the canyon for a cookout.  The kids had fun digging in the dirt and exploring, and making s'mores after dinner.

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