Monday, April 29, 2013

On Our Way...

Well, we're officially our way to get the boys! The sad news is that it's the middle of the night
and The flight we're on doesn't have reclining seats. I didn't know that was possible, but it's reality, which means that my neck is sore from trying to lay my head on Kerry's very bony shoulder, but alas, no sleep. The irony in this situation is that Kerry was adamant about us staying awake until we leave Washington DC later in the morning so that we'll be on Ethiopia time when we get there, while I was more than happy to sleep as soon as we left Salt Lake. At the moment however, Kerry is the one sleeping while I am trying to kill time in my ridiculously upright seat.
The last couple weeks since we found out both boys had cleared embassy have been both exciting and nerve wracking. We've been consistently alternating between happiness and excitement, panic, and sheer exhaustion. Kerry had a crazy work week, and I was trying to get everything done for us to travel. Of course we're super excited to go get the boys, but all of a sudden we've also been faced with realizing that these boys are no longer just theoretical. The strangest moments are the ones where we've had to think past the travel stage, like this week when I made doctor and dentist appointments for them, and the many things that we've done that were the "lasts" before we're a family of 5. Just before my dad came this evening to take us to the airport, we realized that the next time we were at our house, the boys would be there with us. That was a surprising and wonderful thought. Realizing that I will soon be wrangling 3 children in sacrament meeting on Sundays by myself somehow didn't give me the same warm fuzzies. I'll just have to con someone to sit with me, which, now that I think about it shouldn't be too hard considering how cute the 3 kids in question are.
We've definitely been feeling panicked about whether we're prepared enough to parent these boys, but the good news is that the closer we've gotten to actually leaving, and especially now that the stress of preparation for travel is over, all I can think of is how wonderful it will be to get to go get them, hold them, play with them, and start the process of getting to know them!

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