Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Panic Attacks On Airplanes

When we were on the really long flight from DC to Addis there was an older Ethiopian woman who had what I can only assume was a panic attack. We're talking a couple hours of full out panicked screaming. The flight attendants did what they could for a while, and then they paged for a medical professional to come help. It didn't seem like it helped much, though, because she didn't calm down for quite a while. Well, today Kerry and I felt a bit like a medical professional stuck on a 13 hour flight with someone having a panic attack. Not the entire day was like that, but we had our embassy appointment and a lunch with Yeb's birth mom, so there was a lot of time where we couldn't gear what we were doing as much to the boys, and it showed.

However, there were some really good things today. Tam came up and gave me a hug and a kiss today, we walked down the street to the little store and bought ice cream bars and had a blast seeing the boys eat ice cream for probably the first time in their lives, and Kerry and the boys wrested before bed. It was also fun hear the boys jabber to each other in Amharic and laugh together.

Another fabulous thing is that Yeb really is potty trained! We only brought diapers for him, and after yesterday's fiasco I don't feel bad having him wear one, but he does a good job of telling us when he needs to go, and is pretty independent about it. Wahoo!

Now for the grunginess. We didn't end up getting our baggage today because between the embassy appointment and lunch with Yeb's birth mom, we figured the boys had had enough running around. Which means that by this evening we were feeling very gross, and hand washed clothes to tide us over till first thing tomorrow when we REALLY have to go get the luggage. It also means that my hair has looked amazing without bobby pins, blow dryer, or curling iron that are all in the bag. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh!! I'm so happy you are posting about all this. It makes me want to cry -- I'm so dang happy for you guys! Love you and be safe.
