Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Usable Backyard

We hung in there with our nonfunctional backyard for the past 5 summers that we've lived here, but are excited that we finally have a usable space.  We started with 5 or 6 huge trash trees when we moved in, and even though we took those out within a year of living here, it's taken since then to finally kill the stumps, have the stumps dug out, dig out a buried cinderblock wall that ran the length of our yard, and finally level it this spring and seed some grass.

This is what it looked like 5 years ago when we started taking trees down.  I really felt like I was approaching the haunted forest every time I came home.

 We have more plans for it in the future, but for now I'm just thrilled that I kept the grass alive and got a fairly large garden going.  We attempted to put raspberries in, but unfortunately all 18 of the starts we got from Tom and Nancy died (sorry!).  Maybe they'll forgive us enough to let us get more starts next year.  :)

Here it is after the first mowing: 


  1. Looks great! Congrats, that is a big deal.

  2. WOW! The yard looks awesome! You guys worked so hard to get that all ready for grass and the grass looks so nice. I bet you are loving having that space usable for the kids.
