Sunday, July 13, 2014

Camp 2014

We all survived scout camp again this year!  The kids and I went down and stayed with Granna and Grandad in Blanding while Kerry camped up on the mountain, and then we just went and visited during the day a few times.  I was the trading post manager this year, which meant I trained the girls and helped get things running, and then helped with taking it all down the next Saturday.  The rest of the time I didn't really need to be there, so it worked out with the kid situation.  I was pretty worried about staying for almost two weeks at Kerry's parents' house.  It was the longest the kids have ever been away from home, and I really didn't want the kids to drive grandparents nuts.  I think it worked out pretty well, though.  I tried to go somewhere with the kids each day to get us all out of the house, and who knew that Blanding was such a fun place?  We went to story hour at the library that turned out to be pretty fun, went swimming with friends at the awesome outdoor pool, went to the park, got ice cream at the Patio Drive In, and of course had lots of playtime in Granna and Grandad's yard.  The kids had a blast, and loved having Granna and Grandad around.  Pretty sure everyone's sanity was still intact by the end, too.  I think we'll shoot for the same setup for next year.

Meanwhile, camp went well for Kerry.  This was his first year completely on his own as camp director, and even though there were plenty of headaches leading up to camp, it seemed like things went really smoothly once he got there.  I got to go up after the kids were in bed on Wednesday and Friday nights, so I got to be there for the staff party and the closing campfire, which are always really fun.  It was good to see my parents up there, too.  I didn't get to spend much time with them at camp this year since they were busy in their areas and I usually had all the kids in tow, which is really just a ticking time bomb waiting to go off, so I avoided detours that weren't completely necessary while there.  But they seemed to have a good year, and my mom got the chance to teach down in the nature area.

Due to the ticking time bomb scenario, this is sadly the only picture I got at camp this year.  BUT I kept all the kids alive and mostly happy instead.  Maybe next year I'll be able to do both.


  1. Blanding is a great place to be a kid!

  2. I'm SO impressed you made this work. Way to go Bayles clan! :)
